Monday, March 2, 2009

One every month???

I'm going to try and publish more blog posts I promise!! I always have so many things going on and I always find myself writing in my Blackberry more than I do on my own Blog!! Anyway, back to what's on my mind...recently I was contacted by a friend, who also happens to be signed to Universal Records, and he asked me to be apart of his team. :) I was more than enthralled of course because I not only get to do what I want to and what I'm aspiring to become but I am also representing one of the brightest most talented upcoming ARTIST in the music game. Shout out to the whole ShawnChyrstopher team (including myself: Lauren Beale a.k.a elleB. Vega-Publicist, in action.)

also check out his myspace:

I meant to post this a while ago also......
the funniest quote I've seen in a magazine when asked about Worst Trend.
Wale in VIBE March 2009
On Worst Trend: "Ed Hardy. It's just tacky to me. Someone who wears Ed Hardy is a particular kind of person. All those dragons and castles and skulls on the shirts, I'm just not feeling it." LMFAO!!